12 & Under Tennis
Red Ball Programs
Red Ball Beginner
(Ages: 4-7):
The focus is on developing the ABCs (agility, balance, and coordination) and introducing tennis FUNdamentals. Through engaging activities, players will develop the skills needed to get them ready to rally! Use of red felt, red foam, and alternative balls on 36 ft. court. Racquet size: 19-21 inches. Class length: 90 minutes on-court.
Red Ball Plus+
(Ages: 8 and under):
Players continue to develop overall athletic abilities and tennis-specific skills. Engaging partner activities and games are designed to build a player’s foundation in all the basic tennis strokes. Basic rallying, serving, and scoring skills are introduced. Players will be grouped by age/ability within each program. Use of red felt, and red foam balls on 36 ft. court. Racquet size: 19-23 inches.
Red Ball Elite
(Ages: 8 and under):
For players who are excelling with basic rally, serving, and scoring. This class puts additional emphasis on technical development while further improving accuracy, spins, and basic tactics. This class will introduce orange balls and the 60 ft. court as a way to transition the players into the next level. Participation in this class is not mandatory to move to the Orange class, as not all Red Plus players will qualify for the Red Elite group. Use of red felt and orange balls on a 60 ft. court, mostly, but Pros can adjust court size and ball type based on the activity. Introducing team tennis competition through Red Ball Team Challenges. Racquet size: 23-25 inches.
Orange Ball Programs
Orange Ball
(Ages: 10 and under):
For players who are transitioning into orange ball and learning to play on the 60 ft. court. Activities and games will focus on developing groundstroke and serve consistency as well as transition to the net. Introducing team tennis competition through Orange Ball Team Challenges Use of orange ball, on a 60 ft. court and red balls, on a 36 ft. court, as needed. Racquet size: 23-25 inches
Orange Ball Plus+
(Ages: 10 and under):
Players can consistently rally and cooperate with a partner. Players are showing an increased ability to change grips based on scenarios and have better directional control. Use of orange ball, on 60 ft. court. Introducing team tennis competition through Orange Ball Team Challenges Racquet. size: 23-25 inches.
Orange Ball Elite
(Ages: 10 and under):
For players who are excelling with the orange ball fundamentals and ready to start transitioning into a full-court using green balls. Players will be further exposed to transitioning to the net, more advanced tactics, and using different stances. Participation in this class is not mandatory to move to the Green class, as not all Orange Plus players will qualify for the Orange Elite group. Players are encouraged to participate in Junior Team Tennis and/or 10U Progression to further their development. Use of green balls on full court, mostly, but Pros can adjust court size and ball type based on the activity. Progressing of competitive team tennis pathway through Green Ball Team Challenges. Racquet size: 26-27 inches
Green Ball / Development Programs
Green Ball Class
(Ages: 12 and under):
For players who are beginning full-court play. This class will further emphasize the player’s ability to adjust to different heights and depths while maintaining a technical foundation and covering the full court effectively. Use of green balls, on full court and orange balls, on 60 ft. court, as needed. Introducing scoring and team tennis competitions within the class structure. Racquet size: 26-27 inches.
Junior Development Class
Ages 14 and under):
For players who are excelling with fundamentals and consistency from the baseline, when playing with their peers, while using green balls. This class will start to transition players to yellow balls while ensuring that their technical foundation remains strong as they play with a faster ball. Use of yellow balls, mostly, but Pros can adjust the ball type based on the activity.
See You on the Courts.
1027 Racebrook Road,
Woodbridge, CT 06525
© 2024 by by Elev8 Oak Lane
See You on the Courts.
1027 Racebrook Road,
Woodbridge, CT 06525
© 2024 by by Elev8 Oak Lane
See You on the Courts.
Contact Info:
1027 Racebrook Road,
Woodbridge, CT 06525
© 2024 by by Elev8 Oak Lane